Battle of Mount Graal

Survival in Kvari is potent enough wihtout the tribes, camps and packs turning on one another. However sometimes it comes to pass. A cross a wide platueu half way up the moutain sevearl tribes made it thier business to claim the mountain as their own. 
  Stupid to some and an absolute must to others.
  When the tribes met all took up a position around the stone. Being this high up, looking out over the storm torn lands of Kvari was awe inspiring. The warriors were all prepared to take the life of others for the glory of the mountain. The chaos of magic in Kvari though allows nothing to be simple. 
  When the horns were blown and drums beat they charged but in that moment a twin storm brewed and smashed the area with fire and earth. Rock and stone igniting and slamming into the warriors, giving and edge to one then another. 
  It was chaos for those fighting, as if the storm itself was involved and was working out a way to turn them against one another. Tears in the material realm split across the battlefield as the the mountain slid sideways then straight up. As the flames flicked and bent in the air before them, so did the monsters. 
  As those fighting ran at one another they would find themselves falling as the ground had shifted and become nothing more than an illusion of fire and boulders. 
  None survived the battle of Mount Graal, none dared to claim the mountain for their own ever again. 
  At the base of the mountain a tribe sprung about, made up of those families that lost loved ones during the battle. Every month they come together and thank the mountain for teaching them the lesson of claiming something not theirs.


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