Court of the Fading Sparkle

Some of the worst storms shred the material realm and pull the elementals flooding in. Raging fires, landslides and earthquakes. Hurricanes ripping chunks of forests apart. Every now and then that wild magic tears into other realms. The Savanna of Blooms. The Fae realm of Spring.
  When it first happened it came as a surprise and those of the plains hid from it. But now the line veil between was weakened and as it happened more often the Fae thought themselves now under attack. They struck out at the elemental realms blaming them for this attacks, angry at the presence of the storms. 
  As with anyone attacked they defend and the elemental realms did, with such a force that Spring was nearly taken from the seasons. The Court of the Fading Sparkle rallied and stood against the onslaught. Great skirmishes were had across the Savanna, drawn out cat and mouse fights, intimate, up close and personal. 
  But then the elemental realms paused a moment and stood together. Marching into the spring realm and demanding the Court be handed over or banished from the realm. The banishing hurt the most. When it was decided 'for the good of the realm' the Court cut the link they had with the Savanna of Blooms, laid down their petals and stepped out of the realm.
  Kvari was there waiting for them, the reason the Fae and Elemental war happened in the first place. Taking to the forests closest the mountain bases and spending it among mortal flowering. Both sad and beautiful. 
  The Court of the Fading Sparkle took and oath to never return to the Savanna of Blooms and to take every life breath from the elemental realms. 
  Endgoal of the Court, to break the anchor of the Titan Anvil.


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