Durotan Blanket Wrapping

Of the many that live in Kvari there are those that chose the Durotan Forest as their battleground to face the fight with the very land its self. Constantly moving among the tree stops, looking down on the dangers crawling the forest floor. 
  The Nidling are a tribe that live high off the ground, exposure to the storms has given them extra limbs whether it be legs, arms or something akin to tails. Climbing is easy for them, and they build their homes among the tree tops. The canopy of the forest their rooftop. It is also a barrier to the instant death peeking beyond it brings. 
  Heavy magical sludge settles above them, poisonous and deadly to touch. There are enough threats looking up at the Nidling from below that they do not want to be looking up as well. This is where blanket wrapping came about. Some of the trees of Durotan have leaves so thick that when layered are almost leather like. 
  These leave quickly became a valuable resource for those not wanting the arcane sludge to drip upon them.
  Decades among the tree tops showed the Nidling a place they could break through the canopy and take a moment to see a vast night sky and every star Kvari had to offer. But the sludge was still there. 
  To get around this there is a tradition that from a young age you begin your Durotan Blanket and as one ages it is wrapped and wrapped again until it is sturdy enough to resist the sludge. When the stars are witnessed it is from the safety of a well wrapped leaf blanket.
  A lot of Nidling seek only this moment in their lives, to truly experience safety. 
  Once used the leafy blankets are set alight and thrown to the skies the ash floating down to rest upon the canopy and deadly sludge.


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Aug 13, 2024 18:00 by Deleyna Marr

What a fascinating world and tradition! So they only use the blanket one time?

Aug 15, 2024 01:15 by Adrian Waite

Thank you, and yes they only get used the once :)

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