Echo Bleed

Those that have studied Echoes and how they interact with the material realm discovered another plane. One that sits among the memories of every living thing. A plane called Tohora. A place of echoes. 
  If one knows how to navigate they can meet echoes of themselves, from different moments in time, or different paths taken. 
  Truly fascinating for those of a will and desire to know more. 
  When this was shared with academics many put together groups to seek out more knowledge from this echo realm. They wanted to know about its flora and fauna. Wanted its treasures. 
  The more time spent in Tohora the more the spirit resisted. Those that went became ill, spending their time in the material realm bouncing between the different timelines of their life whilst remaining in the moment.
  Healers called it Echo Bleed. 
  Looking in mirrors would show you a fracture image of yourself with different features from your life. Eating and drinking became almost impossible as the bleed of so many meant you were always full to burst with food and drink. Despite not having eaten for days and feeling the pain of that emptiness. 
  When it bled into the mind it became chaos, memories were lost, made up, found again all in the blink of an eye. The longer one had Echo Bleed the more fractures appeared in the spirit and the closer to all of them shattering it became. 
  The only cure ever been found and applied was to remain in the echo realm of Tohora and separate all ones echoes for one another. Emptying all other realms of your presence. 
  Is successful then one and the many would have to remain in Tohora until the last of them died. 
  In one case Echo Bleed was used as a poison in an assassination attempt on a powerful Magi.


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