Etern Beetle Carapace

Etern beetles are anomaly of Kvari. The storms seem to have effected them in way that cannot be explained by any of a wise mind. Unless deliberately killed these creatures don't die. It would seem they choose when it is time for them to cease. However this has led to them being hunted for this miracle of possible ever life. 
  Fascinatingly when a Etern does die its remains do not rot and decay, instead they are perfectly preserved. Kvarians will collect the carapace from the beetles and use it for shelter and the odd clothing item. It remains in perfect condition without needing to be given treatment, unlike during the process of using leathers and hides. 
  They gather in great clusters normally living beneath large trees among its roots. When looking for the beetles it is fairly obvious which tree they are living as the leaves never fall, the bark never dries and breaks. 
  Those with the skill believe this never decaying beetle is this way due to the exposure of spirit storms, meaning that its carapace absorbs sparks from the storms giving it a vitality unseen in other species.  
  The carapace gets used for food containment as it appears the natural magic seeps into the food and keeps it fresh far longer than it should. Those who care for new-borns make bed baskets from the carapace, especially for weaker babes. The proximity to the carapace gives the child a much more improved chance of surviving.
  Some tribes worship the Etern beetle as a minor power, a gift from the harshness of Kvari. Seeing it as a light in the darkness, a small piece of hope that there is a end to this chaos and life's of constant storms. There have been some cases where people have sought out the home trees of the beetles and taken their own life truly believing that their spirit will be guided to a better place, by these Etern creatures.


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