Fire Worm Farmers

These farmers are not like those of other lands as they do not have a specific patch of land that they tend to. Fire worms can only be found in the faeces of elementally touched creatures of fire. 
  Alchemists and Apothecaries pay great amounts for this rare ingredient as the worms are very potent. Becoming a farmer is a choice most try to avoid as Kvari is harsh enough without ahving to risk your life going through feces in hope you find a fire worm. 
  But if one wants the rewards of what it can bring then a hunting they will need to go. 
  There is a skill to it that needs to be honed over years, first finding the right fire touched creatures, then following them until they drop feces. Once that particular process is complete the farmers now need to approach said feces, sift through it and then leave all without being killed by the beasts. 
  This leads to the farmers being very good trackers and adept at remining hidden from hungry eyes. The longer they farm the more resistent they become to fire as the fire worms are volatile and react with fiery violence when removed from thier prefered habitat.
  The profession tends to be a solitary one as the farmers carry with them a pungent odour about them or burnt flesh and feces. Often the farmers will come together to share a campfire, knowledge on locations of fire touched and a conversation. 
  Farmers are almost never part of the tribes and packs and even when trade happens it is to be held away from camps.
  It can also get very competitive between them and blood will be spilled. Fireworms love to sear flesh and then eat it, when they have consumed enough they grow.


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