
Taming the beasts of Kvari is nothing short of a miracle. However, any opportunity to give yourself and advantage is one with chasing. Wyverns live among the mountain peaks, infused with elemental power, changed in ways that make them resilient to some elements and vulnerable to others. 
  Great apes akin to the Silverbacks of Tenga Valu to the east, also live among the rainforests of Kvari. But here they are heavier and taller. Locked into the forever seeping elemental power of the mountains themselves.
  Some Kvarians have manged to make a life of interbreeding these creatures creating Gorvern. 
  Gorverns are a powerful hybrid of two creatures strong enough to stand against the storms. It doesn't always last and the creature dies shortly after birth. Those that do survive become a bonded spirit of the Lintha Pack. 
  Large wings, huge shoulders and a squared heavily boned head with a flat nose make up the main features of a Gorvern. Their legs long and powerful with a great agile motion to them. 
  The wealth of kings has been offered for these creatures, double for an army. A Gorvern was smuggled out of Kvari long ago but as to its whereabouts nobody knows. 
  Among the Lintha Pack there are those that feed the Gorvern, those that clean them and those that rear them. 
  Wyverns hate them and try to kill them every chance they get, attacking with hatred and acid dripping teeth. The great apes misunderstand them and avoid them with a fear like manner.
  The Gorven protect the Lintha pack from the storms, standing before them and bracing against it. Gorven absorb the power of the storms and hold it for later. Once passed the magic drawn from them, those skilled enough among the Lintha Pack channel it into alchemy and trinkets.


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