
The Titan Strand, in their attempt to tap into other planes, scratched the veil of the Draconic plane and left a scar. Kortal and Emryth, two great dragons of note as high ranking members of Uldryd’s Legion, took great interest in this almost-tear in their skies. Their interest and experiments ended up expanding it. Soon after, a gateway suddenly opened that shook the Draconic plane and hoards of gemstones tipped from one realm into the material plane. It rained jewels the day that the Dragons found Colossus.
  Those of the country of Vae saw the jewels fall, through prophetic dreams and divination magic, and prepared for it quickly. A number of the clans at the time managed to band together and form a magical ward, fused with their combined might's of conjuration and magic over time, to prevent the falling gemstones from causing massive damage upon the surface. They entombed every gemstone into the earth below them.
  When the dragons learned of this, they became enraged. Some of Uldryd’s Legion and their own followers and kin poured into the material plane. Two Laws of Dragons on Colossus were learned that day.
  The First Law of Dragons upon Colossus is that they cannot return to the Draconic plane. The gateway, known now as the Kortryth Gateway, opened by Kortal and Emryth is one way. This is true at least for Dragonkind. No Dragon has visited Colossus and gone back to the Draconic plane.
  The Second Law of Dragons is that the world of Colossus is poison. The atmosphere of the material plane puts the dragons into a debilitated state compared to how they fare on their own plane. They are still incredibly mighty creatures, wielding elemental power and potent magic when allowed to live long lifespans, they are magnificent, fierce, and powerful creatures but on their own plane their ability is at least doubled.
  Upon learning of the effect Colossus had on the dragons, Uldryd commanded no more dragons to enter the Kortryth Gateway to Colossus and tasked those of their Legion who had already gone through to unearth the gemstones as best they could. They threw one last gift to his kin on the material plane, the ability to create the Dragonborn to work for them.


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