Hulking Coin Wayfinders

Somewhat of a mouthful for those inquiring but an organization well known and well sort after. Made up of a small group of bardic types that travel the lands holding several evenings of entertainment in different cities, inviting different performers. 
  The coin raised is given to the charities of the city they are staying at the time. They spend time with local crafters looking for donations to raffle off or to sell to the highest bidder.
  Many leave them be and look forwards to their arrival, but their are a few that shun them, not wanting what they call, beggars, in the cities'.
  Mostly the Wayfinders are charming enough to go ahead with their planned performance. 
  The core group is small, made up of Stone, Valentine and Becca. Each with their own reasons taking up this style of life.
  Stone lost his family travelling across Sarrut. He saw many families fall to the same dangers. His mission to support where he can. 
  Valentine had their heart broken, magically by a Fae creature that hunts desire. With a supernatural esk charm he flits between the crowds.
  Becca speaks not of her reasons, but know they are noble. 
  Their friend circle is large and fair spread making the repeat performances even easier. 
  To date thousands of coins have been donated to the cause whatever it may be during a musical market or a stage theatrical. Every show sells out and many seek them out to assist in another charitable cause. 
  Founded in Kvari, working with those not surviving the storms, their work eventually took them further afoot.
  Stone makes annual trips back to Kvari for the orphanage at Del'roosh. A place linked to his heart. It is mostly games and story telling with the children but it all counts towards.


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