Hurat'tion Book

In the early days of Kvari the storms were mild, the threat of death was more meanable. It was the coming of the works of Titan Anvil. They told the spirits of the world that earth, fire, air and water were a gift, that their creation meant an everlasting creative opportunity for them to shape the world how they wanted it. 
  This was not the case for Kvari, once Anvil had anchored the ley lines and the raw elemental power fought against the strain, that was the moment Kvari was doomed.
  But there was a short window of opportunity, whilst Anvil worked away at their promised gift. Those Kvarians that had an intellect and will to keep the nations peoples safe worked together to craft spells and glyphs that could be performed to protect.
  Hurat'tion led this, a talented practitioner of the arcane. The parchment they recorded on grew, the ideas and workings expanded and so it was recorded into a single leather binding. All this preparation was a collective effort. The people did not have the confidence in the visons of Anvil and what it meant for them.
  The closer it got to the leyline anchor being complete the worse the elemental storms were in Kvari. 
  Hurat'tion knew it could wipe them of the map and that an entity such as Titan Anvil would not care. The book was complete, the magical protections tested successfully on small camps. With this knowledge they could protect themselves against the chaos and death coming their way.
  Resources were needed to implement the magical protections, resources only found in the Fae realms of twilight. During the negotiations the Fae saw that the chaos that would consume Kvari could be harnessed and used for their own purposes and so they deceived Hurat'tion. 
  They were given the resources needed to cast the spells, but the book was altered by the Fae, glyphs tweaked and wordings added and removed. 
  When the spell was final cast, it didn't protect but instead removed the sphere of Abjuration from the area, preventing protective magic to be cast.
  Kvari could have been a very different land.


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