IronQuill SongBird

Telling stories in Kvari is unlike anywhere else in the world. For most know them by heart, elemental storms, soul ripping disasters, aberrations seeking flesh and the list goes on. But to be able to spin the same boring tales in such a way that it feels new with each telling. Now that is a skill not many hold, unless your name is IronQuill. 
  Many believe IronQuill was hit by a storm at birth and it changed their heart and voice. When they speak all listen, no matter whose campfire it may be. IronQuill can stir one to the love of bugs on a branch to the stones in the seas. To fight for the glory of the air one breathes and to kneel before the stars. 
  Within Del'toosh there is a small teleportation circle that only IronQuill holds the activation glyph to. Constantly using it to explore other campfires in Colossus they always return to Kvari to tell its people of the many wonders of the world, delivered in song and parchment. 
  As with any bardic type a signature is part of the memory and it is no different with IronQuill, as wherever they go they are accompanied by five elemental spirts. One of each to represent the storms of Kvari. They are part of the stories and songs, performing at exactly the right moments. Bringing awe and enchantment to the campfire stories. 
  IronQuill is bound to the five spirits and they to them. This was done by shamans at the birth of IronQuill, in an attempt that the bard could whisper to the storms and guide them away. 
  Not exactly how it turned out but IronQuill does everything they can to sing loud and proud into the storms, giving the Kvari people the courage to stand and face them. 
  Some have even doubted IronQuills motives and claimed they sing to feed the storms.


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