Loud Rock Tribe

Any one with even the slightest bit of information about Kvari will warn folks away. The whole nation is a elemental mess, anchored ley lines twist and pull at the land around them. People are forever changed, mutations of the spirit happen daily. Great storms of life ending magnitudes.
  Yet there is a tribe, made up of many that have left their own. those of the Loud Rock embrace the chaos and rivers of blood. They dance, sing and shout to the skies and solid beneath them for more. Pouring magical moments into rituals to encourage the storms.
  They see it as a gift to Kvari, a joy that no other is blessed to witness. Smiling is their common state of mind, they are known for running towards the storms and wild magics, howling to be struck by them.
  Each member covers their skin in markings of the elements and strips down to nothing before joining the grand celebrations in the name of the storms. 
  Others consider them mad, the way it is embraced and celebrated causes others to distrust them. 
  It has caused issues and brought them close to being wiped out but superstition is a powerful tool. Surely Kvari would have taken them if they were truly mad. 
  Now they are avoided as one would a bad omen. But none of this do they mind, still they smile and sing.
  The tribe is the only group that travels back and forth to Del'roosh without issue. Many of them preach to those fleeing, giving words of courage and fate. To know that Kvari has let them leave is a great blessing, and one they should not waste.
  No one argues for fear of the tribe showing its true colours and slaying them, this of course has not yet happened to date.


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