Meeting of Stone - Landslide Tribe

Those that truly worship Narlthud, the alledged hammer of Titan Anvil, forge their own hammers. Mining stone from particular mountains to acquire the most potent of ore.
  The Landslide Tribe is made up of heavy set warriors that pit themselves against the beasts and monsters of Kvari.
  It is tradition for each warrior to seek out the necessary resources to make their own hammer. To craft with their own blood, sweat and spirit. It can take some months and others years to complete.
  Each hammer must be tested and worthy to take into battle. To assess this the Landslide tribe hold a week of games, annually.
  All the games are designed to test the strength of the hammer. Smashing objects, distance thrown, weight when spun. The most popular is the Clash, which is a game where both participants strike one another's hammer with their own.
  Ten swings are taken. If a hammer is destroyed the warrior must then spend the next year out in the forests, alone, and atone for their lack of craft ship. If a hammer survives then it is honoured and named.
  Having ones hammer named is a great gift from the people.
  The younglings are given a piece of stone, this stone is to be carried with them always, when they have a hammer worthy of a name and slew their first beast the stone is to be left as a marker. All through the forests of Kvari there are these stones, once placed it acts as a grave marker for the battle that took place there and the kill that was made.
  Some of the Landslide make their way back to that marker in their elder years and pay respect to the spirit of their kill. Others have been known to seek it out when they know their own time is up.


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