Names of the Storms

All shamans across Kvari have a copy of the names of the storms. Written in the ancients times and shared. Many claim to have the true copy and all have the same words upon it.
  These names contain power over the storms. Are used in every prayer and incantation repeated to the elemental storms.
  However it was during the ancient times that an agent of the elemental walks of air came through and whispered the incorrect names of the storms to the shamans recording them.
  None have ever known of the mistake and despite it not seemingly working they are still heavy in number those that believe it is a matter of time before the power of knowing these names has a positive effect.
  Copies of this document are in all prayer tents of the tribes and packs. You flings are taught the names in nursery rhymes and pass them onto younglings who don't know the song.
  The true document is an unbreakable magical binding of ink and parchment and is kept in a vault among the clouds of the elemental plane of air.
  Heavily guarded by powerful elemental air creatures known as Cloudarus. All have the power to bind a soul to the realm of air.
  Those of Kvari are convinced the document is accurate and those hunting it are out to destroy it leading them to believe it will protect the elemental storms.
  When in truth it's is all a ruse to keep Kvari missing the mark. This will eventually lead to an all out attack on Kvari when the storms rage free without any obstruction in the way.
  The document is a final piece of the invasion ritual that will be used to reverse effects back on the none elemental beings of the nation.


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