
Nylon'ti is a creature of great length, or height depending on your view. None to be nine feet on its hind legs. Resembling a fusion of reptilian and avian features. A thick iridescent exoskeleton that shifts in colour from blues to deep purples. Its chitin is naturally enchanted from the exposure to the elemental storms of Kvari.
  Its plates absorb the magic about it, channelling it as a heat source and dampener for the heavier storms. Translucent bat like wings wrap around it and are incredibly strong. Even the giants would not be able to force unfold these wings. When the storms are particular violent the Nylon'ti eyes are large and multifaceted, allowing it to see in a broad spectrum, including ultraviolet and infrared.
  They live in small, close-knit groups and communicate through a combination of low-frequency roars and bioluminescent signals emitted from their exoskeletons. This allows them to coordinate during storms and hunt effectively.
  These creatures have a symbiotic relationship with smaller, arcane-resistant creatures that clean parasites off their exoskeleton and help in locating arcane-rich plants for nourishment.
  Because they spend the majority of their lives absorbing the raw magic within the rain forests their shells can sometimes reflect incoming magic. But this seems to be random.
  Breeding occurs once a year during the calmest season, which is still tumultuous by normal standards. The Guardians lay large, heavily fortified eggs in hidden nests, guarded vigilantly by both parents until they hatch.
  In case of attack the Nylon'ti can purge itself of its absorbed magic causing a very uncomfortable moment for its attack. This does however leave the creature incredibly vulnerable.
  They are omnivorous, feeding on a mix of arcane-infused vegetation, small magical creatures, and elemental minerals. Their digestive system is highly specialized, capable of breaking down and assimilating arcane energy directly from their food.


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