Peak of Parisa

A cluster of lights gathers at the peaks of the Parisa range. Flickering and dancing, the elemental powers come together in peace and perform the most beautiful chorography of light and colour. Folks travel from all over to bear witness, to give thanks to the gesture of a peaceful evening. 
  Hats and ponchos made from the arcane infused grass growing thick at the base of the mountain are passed out among one another. Children sing songs to Parisa ask for for more lights and dancing. 
  For decades this has been the way, to celebrate the Peak of Parisa. The stories travel far and wide encouraging magical inclined folk to discover the enchantments of the peak. 
  Life after life has been lost trying to scale the climb, it is just not reachable and those of Kvari know it.
  The joy of this beautiful phenomenon is it is simple created by the fauna residing in the nook and crannies of the peak. These high altitude loving creatures need absorb the leftover sparks and dust from past elemental storms, storing it in their fur and letting it flicker to communicate across the heights of the mountains. 
  Oblivious to the effect they have on those looking up from below. 
  The furry little creatures, yet to be discovered and named, have a relationship with the elementally born air spirits that sometimes carry them to those they are communicating with. A simple life for these creatures but a almost divine experience for those below. 
  There is only one person alive that knows the secret of the Parisa Peaks, Julio Seragon. An outsider to Kvari from the other side of the world. One foot in the realm of Alshin, the element of air. Ascending those peaks had cost him two of his life stones, but it was worth it if only to know the secret.


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