Pyros Basin

Kvari is known for its terrible storms, this is common knowledge among all. But there is a storm of flame and shadow that many claim to be the champion of the storms.
  Terrifying and deadly, lingering death follows these storms. Several shamans got together and created a basin that could hold the infusion of the elementals.
  The clay used had to be gathered from the volcanoes of Tunlik. Once made it needs washing under the water falls of Grusin.
  The shamans then work elemental absorption spells the priority one being fire. These basins are then used to burn so hot that anything caught in them is super heated.
  Druids line vines from basin to basin creating a perimeter so when the spirit storms come through the basins capture the decay left over heating it in the basins.
  A few have tried to master this technology but have failed miserable and caused great problems for their tribes and people. In the worst cases causing disease and decay.
  It is a specialised piece of magical equipment, and only certain shamans have mastered it and share it.
  There is currently a plan to take these basins higher into the mountains and attempt to capture the decaying energies before it gets anywhere near the natives.
  This has been the plan now for several decades but it is all most impossible to pull off as the storms react as if they know and attack the shamans every time a basin is carried up, and with it being a unique skill Kvari can't afford to lose shamans.
  Due to the unique construction of the basin they have become very valuable and some have been made and sent to market. The Kvarins have sent word far and wide offering these knowledge of this contraption. 
  This is usually in trade for, most things.


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