Reading the Future

This year during summer camp I focused on a geographical area that I only had mental notes about. I used the Summer Camp to start fleshing it out. Supper happy with what I got done whilst hitting Diamond, means I now have a strong foundation to spread out from.   Goals for the coming year(s) finish my novels, all of them mwahahahaha! Hit Diamond every year in summercamp   Go on holiday with the family and make notes :)   Blood & Butterflies I have in mind a series of at least six novels.   Broken Days is a another series Im looking forwards to getting stuck into.   Furyyia - Knight and Dae takes place in a part of the world I am crazy looking forwards to, also gets the orign of Orcs meeting the modern Orc.    On the writing board there are several one shot stories i want to get out of my head. Things like the First Paladin, The Fall of Titans, Age of Silence.   And to appease my TTRPG friends i'll be running more tabletop adventuring in the world of Colossus.   Lots of exciting times ahead. Top of the list and biggest in my heart is the story world my eldest son is putting together. Watching his world grow with his own characters, creatures and locations is amazing. So I shall be putting a lot of time into supporting him along his worldbuilding journey.   Something I will be adding is to read more, I rarley get to read with work life and dad life being ever constant. But I have thousands of stories to get through and absorb.   I suppose once all that is done, if there is any time left in the year I may just find a park and relax. Take a look at the sky and think about 2025


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