Sithara aka Elemental Blight

In the deepest, most forgotten parts of the forests of Kvari, where the boundaries between the elemental and material realms blur, exists and ancient and malevolent spirit. Sithara. Born of Fae blood infused with the raw power radiating from the leylines. An arch fae of the Grey Realm wanted an heir to the Grey Crown. As with all power mad monarchs they stopped low into the magic of their people. Seeking out a spell, a ritual or even a wish granted by powerful creatures. 
  It back fired, as Sithara took life it took it from the leylines, not the magic of the archfey. This left them unbound, a free will. The following years were horrifying for the Grey Realm. Sithara is of the purest evil. 
  Tharathis's form is a terrifying amalgamation of the elements, constantly shifting and writhing. Their body is covered in countless swords, relics from the countless battles they have fought over the millennia. These blades, forged from elemental materials and cursed by ancient magic, protrude from his body like twisted branches, each one a testament to his violent history. 
  Sithara's lower body is made of cracked and jagged stone, with roots and vines intertwining and breaking through the rocky surface. Their footsteps cause the ground to tremble and crack, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.
  Flames flicker and dance across their form, emanating from deep fissures in their stony skin. Eyes burn with an intense, unholy fire, and the air around them shimmers with heat. Their breath a searing inferno, capable of incinerating anything in its path.
  Long limbs are covered in a slick, constantly shifting layer of water, sometimes freezing into jagged ice spikes. When they moves, they leave behind puddles of brackish, tainted water that poison the land. They can call forth torrents of water to drown their foes or encase them in ice.
  A perpetual whirlwind surrounds Sithara, carrying whispers of despair and the stench of decay. Their movements are accompanied by gusts of wind that can knock down trees and buildings. They can summon storms and tornadoes, wreaking havoc on the land.
  No deals are made with Sithara, they take what they want and toss the rest a side.


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