Spirit Strife Illness

In the northern east areas of Kvari the camps whether by luck or fate never take the brunt of a Soul Storm, however this does not keep them safe. Somewhat of a after haze comes when the Soul Storm has settled and fade to almost nothing. 
  This haze of dust finds its way on the winds to the area. Simply breathing it in can cause Spirit Strife, a potent sickness that has a twisted reaction on ones being dependant it would seem on their social standing. 
  If one is of wealth and prosperity their physical being becomes withered and aged, coughing fits and a persistent feeling of being close to the end, but, it prolongs their life span by decades, making them live in this permanent state of a failing life.
  When those of poverty and woe become Spirit Strifed their physical being is enhanced in small ways, they feel healthy and strong. A light burns within, unfortunately for them it burns quickly. Their lifespan is reduced to months.
  Shamans, druids, those of a healing faith, have all looked into this sickness and how it knows the deepest existences of its sickened. To no avail. 
  As one can imagine when a wave of this, plague, this airborne illness hits there is a time of chaos and violence in the north east. Most camps and villages that are effected collapse in on themselves. The strong living in excess for the last months of their life, bringing blood to those considered elevated in society, whilst said elevated live in fear of the last days.
  There are alchemists that pay good coin and favour for samples of those afflicted with what most would consider a curse rather than a sickness. 
  As the Soul Storms are rare, it is more rare to meet those with Spirit Strife


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