Spirt Walls

Behind the scenes of the tribes and packs are a group of shamans that seek to encourage the elemental storms. In some manner of cult with the goal of bringing down the living in Kvari.
  Against them is a group calling themselves Spirit Walls. They are spread throughout the harsh land of Kvari. Keeping one another informed of the tricks and deceptions of those seeking to harm the chances of survival.
  Each Spirit Wall carries a stone pendant with a pattern of lines that tells another who they are. If needed they can use arcane pools to travel to one another.
  Any action the Spirit Walls take is usually done in the shadows as not to cause too much chaos. But there are times they have needed to rouse the tribes and face down the corruption in the daylight of truth.
  Some of the Spirit Walls have been known to be among other organisations that use information and the shadows as their tools.
  With these contacts they can bring to bear outside resources to aid in removing troublesome shamans among the tribes.
  The Spirt Walls not only need to be very adept at surviving the natural habitat of Kvari, but able to do so whilst avoiding being caught by the enemy.
  Most work in duos or trios allowing them to always have someone to report to the others if something was to go wrong.
  Each is highly skilled in small weapons, minor magics and working in plain sight. It is never a surprise to find the odd Spirit Wall being a extroverted fighter, standing among the people countering the whispers of those seeking harm.
  There is a strict test to be undertaken before one can become a Spirit Wall, and it normally leads to a life threatening experience. If you don't die then you are in.


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