Stone Whistling

Those that hold worship of the earthen storms sometimes take a vow to never speak.
  Claiming it is words that are the manipulation of the air elemental storms.
  Now silent they had to invent a way to communicate their prayers.
  And thus was born stone whistling. Specific stones are collected and hopes are drilled into them.
  When tapped against another a unique sound is made.
  Paired with whistling the earthen worshippers communicated.
  This method spread to other tribes and packs. 
  Being turned to communication for other uses such as hunting.
  In certain circumstances beasts are trained to understand the stone whistling. 
  When they all come together at the base of the highest mountains the songs begin.
  Whistling and clacking the stones. They begin their climb up the slopes , causing stones to rumble and small landslides.
  After decades of stone whistling being present it became popular and was used for entertainment.
  Great festivals are held and competitions of the best stone whisperers are judged.
  It has also been weaved into a spell casting method, and very successfully.
  Some travel from far and wide to learn it and take it back to their worlds.
  A pack known as Whistling Bloods use the language during executions and the rituals of their warriors.
  There is a rumour that the language can be used to call the blood of a creature from them, killing them in the process.
  If the blood has been collected in this manner it is a potent alchemical component.
  Shamans of Kvari are split on whether or not the language should be allowed to be practiced.
  In some tribes it is punishable by death and others put effort into teaching it to younglings.
  If the rumours are true there is a paladin on the mountains who only prays using stone whistling.


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