Storm Stones

In the early days of Kvari, some natives made a living off carrying folks from point A to point B. They would vine giant leaves together, and run as fast as they could with their charge holding on for dear life. It was a small opportunity of avoiding the elemental storms. 
  This evolved to better made carrying vessels with wood and thicker leaves. These runners were known as Storm Dodgers. Not a too creative name but all knew their role. 
  When Kvari learnt to harness magic and use it for life, destruction and better opportunities for its people, those that practiced the art created Storm Stones. A thick piece of stone shaped like a sled, of sorts. This stone was prepared and enchanted to absorb the destructive magic of the storms and use that magic to propel the sled to a determined location. 
  So one could get on the sled, activate the glyph and make their way to a safe point. The Storm Stones were attuned to specific locations and formed a repeated route of sorts. However the expense, knowledge and resources needed to create these was massive. 
  It caused great issue between the Storm Dodgers and the creators of the Storm Stones. Much blood was shed, ambushes were laid as the Dodgers tried to show people that the Stones were a bad idea. 
  Kvari is hostile enough without the alleged safe transport turning on people. In the end the Dodgers gave up the fight, trying to take on magic with a leafy wagon was not the way. 
  But the back and forth fighting at now meant the Storm Stones were only available to the important and wealthy. 
  Those not of that grouping now had no safe choice to take when trying to avoid the storms. Good luck.


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