
Tiny little creates no larger than a thimble. Big bat like eyes with tiny pink noses. At first glance most refer to them as the cutest creature they have ever see.
  That is until they see them feed. Rot, decay and death is their diet. The colour of the stripes on their grey fur is determined by the amount of decaying, well anything really, they have eaten.
  Birthed when a beast dies to a soul storm. Bits of the deceased flesh merge with sparks from the storms and gain life, forming a Suglid. 
  During feeding they perpetually vomit on their intended meal. The acids in their mouth break down the already decaying feast. It takes a Suglid hours to eat the corpse of a humanoid due to this process. 
  Due to the event of their births they can usually be found in the hundreds, making their way through the dead flora and fauna. 
  With an acute sense of smell they know when something is on the cusp of decaying and will rush their way too it. This includes injuries on the living, or a cut into a tree trunk. So many horror stories have been shared about those with small cuts then being overwhelmed by hungry Suglids.
  Alchemists adore Suglids, the potential they hold for making potent brews is enormous. 
  No where else on Colossus are these creatures found, it is the unique environment of Kvari that provides the perfect storm of their existence. 
  For obvious reasons they have been sort after by those that despise the unliving in the world. However outside of Kvari they do not survive and getting ones target to travel to a land that will result in their destruction is no easy task. 
  Some Kvarians have been known to attempt making farms of Suglids, feeding them the decaying bits of the land and the aftermath of dead from the storms.


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