Swamps of Saoren

Home to the lizard folk tribes of Kvari the swamps teem with life and elemental presence. The swamps absorb the storms that tear through, swallowing the power that fuels them. It then manifests in strange scaled creatures being born and flora that has a sentience akin to those of the swamp tribes.
  In the northern region of Saoren there is a battle in constant motion, for the swamp wants more, wants to spread more. At first it was not obvious but then those of Kvari felt it. The swamps were spreading across the northern ranges. Mountains looked to be getting smaller over decades. As if being consumed from the ground, being pulled slowly into a swampy maw. 
  The Saoren lizards tribes became aware of this and turned it into motivation for their survival, they went about using shamans to encourage the swamps, communicating with the flora and fauna offering an alliance. Anything that would lessen the dangers of the swamps for their own.
  Depending on the mood at the time the swamps would either agree or lash out and feed. 
  Given that the mountains have thus far been unable to fend off the expanding swamps it is thought among many seers and fortune tellers that the Saoren swamps are the doom of Kvari. Never to be satisfied with just the mountains, that it will turns its hunger towards the south, east and west. Devouring the forests and plain lands.
  It is unknown if the sentience of the swamps are a singular mind governing its actions or a collective of many, clamouring among one another as it spreads. Outside of the swamp tribes there are plans to find out and once known to kill it somehow in hope that it stops or at least slows the swamps expansion.


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