The Blunt

Among the mountains of Hiss'anya a cave can be found. Thin lines of elemental energy form the gate that covers the entrance. A group put together of natives and outsiders guards the treasure beyond. Said treasure is the true hammer of Titan Anvil. 
  Narlthud, its magical essence suppressed by a particular violent soul storm and encased in enchanted earth, sits upon a plinth made of air and fire. At the centre of a arcane infused pool. 
  The Blunt all take oaths, promises made that the hammer will remain hidden away. Its power of creation deemed too much for those of the mortal realms. 
  All of The Blunt are trained in magical schools of the elements. Each will specialise. Bastion Magi wield earthen magic, Ocean Magi wield water, Ash Magi wield fire and Thunder Magi wield air magic. All these arcane teachings are accompanied with skill in martial combat. Every member is taught how to wield a weapon at the level of a master. 
  The only way to join is to be recruited. Most never know they are on a list, and few make it to the meet and greet. There have been several iterations of The Blunt, as creatures of the storms made aberrations from the anchored leyines, seek out the hammer. It always ends in blood. 
  This current group are hungry to defend the hammer,  they almost wish for the creatures to find them, to test their learned magic and prowess. But they are kept on a tight leash by their leader. A warrior named Tomahawk. An outsider that stayed.
  When the day comes that the aberrations find them, it will be a final slaughter. Only one will walk away from it, either the next leader of The Blunt, or several creatures chewing on bones. 
  Not a bad way to see out ones life.


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Aug 11, 2024 13:42 by Marjorie Ariel

I like this this is not only a description of The Blunt, but also a sort of prophecy.

Aug 11, 2024 16:41 by Adrian Waite

Never thought of it like that before, thank you

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