The Hall of Luadra

Creatures that feast on flesh, drink the blood of others, gorge on bones, stalk the nights of Kavari. Turth be told the days are not that safe either. Existing to taste the superior taste of another's life force dripping down your throat and flesh between the teeth. This is how the Luadra live. A people that have thrived of the death of others, fed on their corpses and drank them dry.
  Vampires, night hags, twilight devils, the list goes on. The Luadra fit all those descriptions and seek to heighten them. So much so they built a grand hall fit for the monarchs of the stars. Tall timber pillars built the walls, a thick thatch of leather and flora its roof.
  Within are constant incense burning, causing a heavy haze throughout the hall. Divided into areas of music and feasting. Balls of a sort are held, where masks of flesh are worn and bloody delicacies are shared.
  The Luadar invite all to dine here and share in the euphoria of the hall and encourage a select cliental.
  It is a place of great joy to those walking the same crimson cobblestoned path. Among those that have attended these social gatherings it is said there is no greater experience.
  What is unknown to those that wine and dine among the incense, is why the aura of heightened joy is so strong here.
  The Luadra hunt Fae creatures known as Hakims, creatures of happiness and joy. Known for befriending the young and playing games with them, keeping them safe when lost. But the Luadra took them from their realm and keep them captive beneath the grand hall.
  Torturing them into releasing their magics, it seep up through the floor boards, mixing with the incense and with every breath ones joy leaps.


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