Titan Hammer - Narlthud

Nobody has ever set eyes on this instrument yet everyone has a story to tell about the time they saw it used. Some say it is a great hammer gifted the warriors of old. Other will claim it to be a magical crafting item used to make the most powerful of items in Kvari.
  On the odd occasion a Bard will spin a tale of Narlthud being a delicate glass hammer used for poetry and jewellery. 
  The most popular tale is that Narlthud is the hammer of the Titan Anvil, used to forge the leyline anchor. And given to the anchor to power it and give it strength in its purpose.
  Across Kvari the symbol of the hammer is common, some might say the national emblem if flags were such a thing here. People carry small wooden and stone trinkets in the shape of a hammer. They are constant reminders of the beginning, of the anchor that was made. 
  Some worship Narlthud as deity, some as a person that once walked the land. 
  If some of the myths are true then Narlthud can be found in the western forests, beneath the ground. In a place that life cannot exist, but can be given. 
  In the town of Del'toosh maps to this historical and mythological place are sold daily to those that call themselves treasure hunters. Traveller from afar who also carry the symbol of a hammer upon their shields, armour and tabards come to Kvari to see if this Narlthud belongs to their order.
  To find it though one must face dangers unknown in their lives back where ever they travelled from. Narlthud if ever found will give the bearer and opportunity to break the anchor of the leylines. 
  Much much death will happen if that ever came to pass.


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