
Along the mountain range in the north of Kvari, there are several static camps built at the bases. Forming a long chain of stop off if one were to travel the length of the range. 
  One in particular has grown in popularity over the years. Tizun sits in the shadow of Mount Khul. It is perfectly situated among the caves and cracks of the mountain that during the elemental storms and soul ripping environments one might feel safe. 
  This leads to Tizun being a very busy camp town. Where there are people there is opportunity, merchants made there journey to fortune here. At first it was just items of survival but grew to entertainment. Large canvas fitted among the rock creating makeshift buildings. Akin to the taverns in the south. 
  Markets and drinking establishments gave way to pleasure houses, charging to use the natural cave pools as bath houses. Now Tizun was the place to be. 
  Many nations have these towns and cities but they don't have the secrets that Tizun does. 
  Being so close to Mount Khul the massive camp town is situated along a ley line unbeknown to its people. The waters are filled with healing and vitality, the earth gives one a feeling of great shelter. A very welcome feeling in Kvari. The air itself when breathed in, fills one with a cleansing mist. 
  Fire is popular in Tizun for when the torches are lit the passion and lust in ones heart is also ignited. All of this combined gives a visitor to Tizun the greatest of experiences. Outsiders of Kvari travel far to test this myth and a lot of them never leave. 
  The dark side to Tizun and its perfect location is it is addictive. Many become husks of their former selves, repeating daily the pleasures of Tizun until they fade away and become spirits of Mount Khul.


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