Tomahawk - leader of The Blunt

They led a party of soldiers, highly trained, into the mountains. Searching for Narlthud. They were convinced it existed and would have no other tell them otherwise. Months the party searched until by chance they followed a horrific creature into a valley where it was killed, expertly.
  Tomahawk saw the skill that was executed. They had found the place they were looking for. Leading their forces under the cover of night they clashed with The Blunt. It was as if a immovable object met an unstoppable force. Back and forth they fought spilling one another's blood.
  Magic and blade was a plenty. By the dawn only Tomahawk and two of The Blunt stood. Both were on deaths door, neither had a chance of surviving, yet they stood before the elemental gate, defying Tomahawk entry.
  Something changed in the warrior, the acknowledgement of their oath. They dropped the sword and shield in their hand and took a knee before the two. Offering up their life, the weight of the commitment they showed upon Tomahawk's shoulders.
  Both died before they made it across to their attacker.
  Tomahawk swore on that day to protect Narlthud against any and all that came for it.
  They built The Blunt back to full strength, but took it a step further. Forming a smaller group that went out into the world to server as a sower of secrets and distraction, their other role to bring enchantments to Tomahawk so that they may gift them to The Blunt.
  If the tales are to be believed Tomahawk is seven feet tall, fire red hair all hanging down their shoulders, a sword the size of a great weapon held in one hand and a tower shield ten inches thick.
  The elements run through their blood giving them abilities unknown to all.


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Aug 20, 2024 20:21 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article. I love how you told about the rank in story form. It held me til the end and made me more curious about your world.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 21, 2024 00:18 by Adrian Waite

Thank you :) I drop in now and then when I have the time.

It's Gravy Time!!
Aug 23, 2024 14:33 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

<3 no obligation at all but if and when you show up, be sure to shout in chat so that I can know you're there!

Aug 30, 2024 05:20 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there again! Just letting you know that I featured your article as one that caught my eye in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3

Aug 30, 2024 18:41 by Adrian Waite

Thank you, that is super appreciated :) Means a lot

It's Gravy Time!!