Town of Del'roosh

On the most southern border of Kvari you may find yourself sharing a bowl of broth with one who is fleeing the land. 
  Past the mountains and elemental rainforests sitting just enough inside Kavari to not be wanted by those of the south, is Del'roosh. A town, if one can call it that, unclaimed by Kavari and not wanted by Chuck'Ruani in the south.
  Those that cannot face the constant threat of death and violations of the spirit that Kvari offers daily flee to Del'roosh. 
  The worst thing that can happen to a native is to be ignored by the storms, to not be twisted by the elemental magics leaves one vulnerable against them. This is when it is time to run, to take who and what you can.
  Del'roosh opens its wooden gates to all seeking a road out. The town is protected and warded in such a manner that is has become a true place of refuge for those escaping where they can. A group of travellers from across the seas originally set up to accompany explorers into Kvari now live there and do what they can.
  Magically talented it was they who prepared the wardings and tend to them daily. Alot of Kvari hate them, those that can survive the land see it as an insult that they harbour the unblessed. 
  Thirty years has Del'roosh sat offering safety and an opportunity for those reaching out for one. 
  What some claim as Blessed Kvari ahve tried to attack the town but have been repelled by magic unknown to them. This unknown magic is that of the Fae, the wardings are strong because they reach deep into the Fae realms and pull through power to embolden the wards. 
  The warders have a deal with the Fae involving giving those seeking a refuge a way to travel far but they must pay the Fae. In return the warders of Del'roosh are given magic to weild and long lives.


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