Uldryd, the Monarch of Dragons, the Dracun Legatus

Uldryd, the Monarch of Dragons, the Dracun Legatus
  In a lair that could comfortably house eight, full grown ancient dragons, there lurks the mass of scales that makes up the Monarch of Dragons. The oldest dragon has sat in a sea of gemstones and absorbed their power for as long as any other dragon can remember and knows no creator, no god above them, no creature that rivals them. Their pale hide bears an array of jagged, but faceted, protrusions that glow with the power inside them. At a snap, their colouration changes as he brings forth the power of flames, lightning, cold, or a mix of energies to unleash upon those that would attempt to steal from them. The rest of the time they move with a prismatic array shining across their scales and they move only when a great number of gemstones are on the line.
  Uldryd is the ruler of the world. That world is not Colossus.
  The Draconic Plane is overseen by Uldryd. They watch the Kotabarn, the challenges that dragons play in order to gather gemstones for themselves. These stones of great magical power are their currency, their life’s purpose, and the goal for every dragon is to obtain as many of these stones as possible to absorb them. When a dragon dies, the gemstones they consumed during their lives are expelled once more.
  A Kotabarn is a challenge of sorts and determined by each dragon. Wagers are made and a dragon puts forward a number of gemstones they’ll give up upon a loss. These challenges can be anything, as long as the other party agrees, and disputes for cheating are determined by Uldryd themself, or one of their remaining Senate. To date, only three dragons have challenged Uldryd for even a portion of their hoard, and Uldryd has only accepted one, a challenge of combat. Uldryd added more gemstones that the dragon wagered that day.
  They know no equal but has learned of the Creator Titans in Colossus and has made concern known. They have given up small amounts of their power to specific individuals in recent times but only when they will directly work towards their will. Even if Uldryd will not set foot upon Colossus, they will unleash a stream of destructive energy upon it if angered or crossed. They have sent some of their Legion to Colossus, they have fallen in one form or another, so now they work towards helping the rise of power of the Dragonborn empire from across the planes. They are old, older than all on their plane and perhaps older than all on Colossus, and they are happy to continue to wait if it means they can take back every gemstone that has been lost to the material plane. This is their goal, and they will allow the Dragonborn to play in their gemstone city for now. The gemstones will come back to them eventually.


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