Wind Wall of Tarush

Among the mountain plateaus there are winds so strong that a single moment in ones lack of concentration will catch them off guard and blow them from the paths to their death below. The tribes that live that high up came together and their shamans told of a coming storm so grand it would blow down the mountain.
  Together the tribes stood and swore the storm would not move them from their homes. It was agreed they would build a wall, angled in ways that it would deflect the brunt of this coming elemental attack. However as the building came together they didn't have the materials to lengthen it into a wall and so it came a mountain bunker of sorts. 
  When the storm came, the world shook, forests shrank and mountains trembled. The unfinished Wind Wall was all the tribes had to hide behind, half built walls, no roof and doorways without shelter.
  It was an elemental beast coming to claim their lives. That was until the shaman Tarush stood before it, bringing mighty magics to bear and caught the storm, turning it towards the Wind Wall, manipulating it so it filled the gaps with its own presence.
  By the time the storm had ceased it was captured and bound to the Wind Wall. This once temporary measure became a bastion of safety for those dwelling on the mountain. When the storms come seeking revenge it is here the people can rest and seek a moments peace.
  Stone and element air together, bound, protective and raw. Tarush gave their life that day, exposing their spirit to the elemental power. But left behind a place of hope and heroics. 
  The elemental storm forever rages, trying to free itself from the Wind Wall but alas Tarush and their magic was just too strong.


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