Wolfstone Bracelets

Among the Kvarians life is short due to the environment. Family is strong and iron bound. When a mate is needed great tasks are proposed, some ending in death. To outsiders it is seen as folly, even stupid at points. What can be achieved by this? But for natives of Kvari they know the outsiders will never understand. 
  A mate is not just someone to bring life into the world they are bound to one another on a spiritual level, having a strong pack with multiple mates, strong bonds and strong younglings gives the best chance of survival. When the elemental and soul storms pass through the losses can be devastating. 
  The packs face these dangers head on, together from elder to young. With each mate a bracelet is given, made mostly of leather and a unique stone known as a Wolfstone. Legends tell of the wolves from the south migrating north in Kvari, and the storms changing them into something not of the material realm. 
  Kvari hunters chased this legend for centuries and the evidence is mixed, however for the packs and their mates they know different. They are descendants of the said wolves, and when Wolfstone is awakened it links that ancestry, strengthening the pack, giving safety to those carrying the Wolfstone
  It can only be found on the edge of death, when one is looking back through their time. Only then can it be plucked from the memories of a time so far back it can only be a dream. 
  Only a few bare the Wolfstone bracelets, but those that do have strong mates and strong packs. When the elders pass the bracelet is passed to a younger. Some carry several, they have been chosen by the pack to remain the most protected. 
  Never has an outsider recieved such an offer, only one came close. A warrior from the lands of Nabbat known as Tarik.


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