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Balk Kalastine

Balk Kalastine

A simple Artificer with no voice. At least one he does not use.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He's not all that large of a person, given his height and weight. He's not overly muscular nor is he unfit. He is for the most part of average build.

Body Features

There is visible scarring on his right arm and leg.

Facial Features

He has scars across the right side of his face that run down to his neck. His right eye is slightly damaged, though he can still see out of it. He has a slight bit of facial hair, though he doesn't let it grow out, in the form of a beard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Balk was raised in the forest's surrounding Academia. His parents were researchers who would often adventure out deeper into the woods in order to learn what its ruins had to offer. Luckily for Balk this meant his fascination with machine and magic was often fueled by the objects and scrap his parents brought back. They were happy to encourage his tinkering and experimenting as they knew it would only help grow his interest in magic as a whole. During his younger years, Balk would often sneak out of the house at night and do his own exploration looking for small pieces of material he could use. Normally these small excursions were of no real danger to him but one such night ended in disaster. Around the age of 15 Balk went out as normal and went to his normal searching grounds, only this time a creature unknown to Balk was prowling. He was attacked and mauled. All he could do was curl into a ball and hope the creature would leave him to die.   Balk awoke days later laying in the bed of his home alive but changed. His interest in tinkering was less wonder and more analytical. His more formless crafting became focused on armor and augmentation. His throat though not damaged enough to cause a lasting effect to his voice physically has left him silent, turning to written words instead of spoken.   His current journeys are inspired to learn more of what the ancient's magics hold, and for him to finish one of his greatest projects or well... at least to begin it.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He believes he has come to realize a truth of the Guardwood. 'To those wise of its nature, there are places that it will offer safety and knowledge. Though should one believe themselves its master, will fall to the wood's true strength.'

Mental Trauma

Selectively Mute
Lawful Nuetral
dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 7 in
140 lbs

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