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Fidi Ouro

Fidi Ouro

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Guests   Must bring no harm through intent or inaction to the property and wellbeing of their host(s) and fellow guests. It is not necessary to bring any offering or gift, but if an extended stay is anticipated it is considered polite to do so. Guests will honor the laws of the land and the traditions of host and the gods of the household, though they are not bound to worship them or go against terms of their own gods.   Guests are at no times required to relinquish personal or status bearing arms but must wear any openly and should be aware that constantly wearing a personal weapon is insulting. Note that a knife would not usually fall into this category, as a knife is a utilitarian tool that would be used when dining even up to the highest ranked table, unless it was hidden. Guests are not obligated to do any work for the host, nor offer repayment for hospitality.   Host Must bring no harm through intent or inaction to the property and wellbeing of the guest. Other than food, shelter and drink, the Host is likewise obligated to provide some small entertainments if so capable, and some token gift as well. These last two obligations can be met with improved quality of the basic obligations.   Hosts will respect the traditions of the guest and the demands of their gods, lest doing so brings harm to another guest or the hosts household. It is the duty of the host to provide adequate protection from all dangers, prioritize the safety of guests in any attack, and not involve the guest in the defence if at all possible.   The guest should be strongly dissuaded from participated in any battles that come up during their stay, and any civilized foe will recognize the sacred rite of guests and allow them to leave the premises. The host shall not force any labor upon their guests, though business talks can be started with consent of the guest. The host will make themselves available to their guest at least once a day, or in his absence, a representative. If the host is not seeing to the needs of his guests personally than an adequate number of servants or family will do so.

Yuan Ti Paladin

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