
In the heart of the blazing Kingdom of Teine, where the air shimmered with heat and the ground glowed with embers, there stood a remarkable tree house known simply as Flamhuis.  Perched atop a towering emberwood tree, Flamhuis was a haven of joy and laughter, where Princess Timandra often sought refuge to play with her friends amidst the fiery landscapes. Flamhuis was a sight to behold, crafted from resilient emberwood that gleamed like polished copper in the sun's fiery rays. Its structure intertwined harmoniously with the ancient tree's branches, creating a spacious platform adorned with banners of crimson and gold that fluttered cheerfully in the warm currents of air. For Princess Timandra, Flamhuis represents a precious escape from the weight of her royal duties. Here, she can shed her princess persona and simply be a child, playing freely alongside her friends. This freedom fosters a carefree spirit and a sense of liberation, contributing to the overall atmosphere of joy.


Flamhuis is rectangular in shape, with dimensions approximately 10 meters long by 6 meters wide. Its elongated shape allows for ample space for various activities and gatherings of Princess Timandra and her friends. The ceiling of Flamhuis is made from polished emberwood planks, treated with a special resin that enhances its durability and fire resistance. It gleams with a natural golden-red hue, reflecting the warmth and light of the enchanted fire opal lanterns hanging from it. The floor is crafted from smooth, polished stone that resembles obsidian but is imbued with magical properties to remain cool to the touch despite the ambient heat of the Kingdom. Its dark color contrasts beautifully with the vibrant rugs and cushions scattered across the floor. The walls of Flamhuis are a combination of sturdy emberwood beams and woven tapestries made from fire-resistant fabrics. The tapestries are dyed in rich hues of crimson, gold, and orange, depicting scenes of mythical creatures and heroic adventures. They provide both decoration and insulation against the fluctuating temperatures.

Sensory & Appearance

The room resonates with the joyful sounds of laughter and playful chatter from Princess Timandra and her friends. Occasionally, the room fills with the melodic strains of musical instruments carved from fire-resistant wood, played skillfully by the young companions. The crackling of the nearby fire and the occasional rustling of leaves outside add to the natural symphony that permeates Flamhuis. This is a sanctuary of joy and friendship, far removed from the turmoil of the Kingdom. There is no foul stench of death or eerie music box by the window; instead, the atmosphere is filled with positivity and youthful energy. It is pleasantly warm inside, thanks to the careful balance of natural insulation and the gentle warmth of the enchanted fire opal lanterns.

Contents & Furnishings

There are shelves that are lined with ancient tomes and scrolls that tell of heroic adventures, mythical creatures, and the history of Teine. Some books are enchanted, allowing the stories within to come to life as holographic images that swirl and dance around the reader. Plush cushions woven from cloudsilk provide seating around low tables scattered throughout the room. Adorning the walls are unique magical artifacts collected from across Comhlaidir. There are shimmering crystals that refract light into rainbows, mirrors that show glimpses of distant lands and times, and tapestries that change their scenes according to the viewer's emotions.

Special Properties

Being situated in the Teine Kingdom, Flamhuis is crafted from emberwood, a material known for its natural fire resistance. The entire structure, including the walls, ceiling, and furniture, is protected against the intense heat and occasional sparks that characterize the kingdom. A subtle but powerful enchantment within Flamhuis imbues the air with a gentle healing aura. This aura helps to soothe minor ailments, fatigue, and emotional distress, fostering an environment of well-being and relaxation for Princess Timandra and her friends. Time seems to flow differently compared to the outside world. While hours may pass swiftly in play and laughter, visitors often find that they feel refreshed and rejuvenated upon leaving, as if they had spent a longer time immersed in joy and camaraderie than the clock would suggest.


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