
Pachco is a language used to express gratitude towards the deities of Comhlaidir, specifically towards Luth. It is also used as a way to feel connected to events that happened here and myths that take part in everyone's lives! 
  • Luth: The primary deity or force in Pachco belief, symbolizing destiny or divine will.
  • Haran: A sacred place or concept representing peace and prosperity.
  • Mora: The soul or spirit, considered eternal and guided by Luth.
  • Serath: A ritual or practice performed to honor Luth.
Common Phrases:  
  • "Luth's will": Used to express acceptance of fate or destiny. Example: "I missed supper, but it must be Luth's will."
  • "May Haran bless your path": A wish for peace and prosperity. Example: "Before you go, may Haran bless your path."
  • "By Mora's light": Swearing by one's soul or integrity. Example: "I swear by Mora's light, I will return."
  • "In Serath's name": Used to invoke the sacred ritual or practice. Example: "We gather here today, in Serath's name."
  • "Luth guide you": A blessing or farewell. Example: "Farewell, friend. Luth guide you."
  • "Under Haran's watch": Indicating something is protected or blessed. Example: "This village thrives under Haran's watch."
  • "Mora's journey": Referring to the journey of the soul after death. Example: "He has begun Mora's journey."
  • "Serath's grace": Expressing gratitude or relief. Example: "Serath's grace, you made it back safely!"
  • "Luth's path": Referring to one's destiny or life path. Example: "She walks on Luth's path."
  • "May Mora be with you": A way of offering support or comfort. Example: "In these trying times, may Mora be with you."
  • "Cursed by the Void" (never phrase created in recent years): Expressing dread. Example: "You are cursed by the Void, my son, please choose a different path!"
  • "Doomed by the night": Expresses disbelief. " You think I am doomed by the night my friend."
  • "Fois!": Exclaimed when a person dies and the ceremony ends- a person's blessing of the fallen spirit. 
  • "Fallen Breat": Used to announce the death of someone.
  • "By the forsaken realms!": An exasperation expression in conversation. Example: "By the forsaken realms [PERSON'S NAME], stop complaining!"


Author's Notes

This is my first time trying to write a language/slang/phrases! I will definitely add more to this and most likely change this as my world evolves.  I am not familiar with language creation and feel like I should write something lighter for this challenge and give it more thought later. When I write my own language, I want it to make sense :D So no grammatical rules or anything like that for now, just some phrases I thought people use in my world!

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