
The Tasglanniens, also known as the Archive Guardians, stand as a stalwart unit devoted to the protection and preservation of the world's knowledge and history. They are not warriors in the sense of using weapons daily, but they are scholars, mystics, and custodians of ancient wisdom. Their primary duty is to safeguard the vast repositories of knowledge such as ancient texts, magical scrolls, chronicles of history and oral traditions passed down through generations that are scattered across Comhlaidir. They meticulously maintain and preserve delicate manuscripts, ensuring that the wisdom contained within remains intact for future generations. Many Archive Guardians are scholars in their own right, possessing a deep understanding of languages, ancient scripts, and esoteric knowledge. They dedicate themselves to deciphering cryptic texts and uncovering lost lore. Beyond scholarly pursuits, they are skilled defenders, trained in both mundane combat and arcane arts. They fend off thieves, dark sorcerers seeking forbidden knowledge, and even malevolent entities drawn to the power of the archives.



The Council of Archivists is the leadership group that consists of a small number of 3 to 7 highly experienced and knowledgeable individuals who oversee the operations and strategic decisions regarding the archives. Then there are the Specialists and Tasglanniens which are the core operational members composed of several hundred individuals. They are all scholars, historians, translators, enchanters, combat specialists, and support staff. The exact number would depend on the size and importance of the archives they guard and the kingdom they are serving.


The equipment of the Tasglanniens is designed to balance scholarly pursuits with defensive capabilities, ensuring they can protect the knowledge of Comlahidir while also advancing their understanding of its history and mysteries. Their equipment is tailored to their dual roles as protectors and scholars. Every Tasglanniens is trained to used enchanted items which include protective amulets, talismans, or items imbued with defensive or offensive magic.


The most used weaponry are the protective charms and items imbued with defensive or enhancing magic.


The Tasglanniens use the same method of transportation as the royal family: the portals. These portals are strategically linked to important archives and they help facilitate rapid deployment of guardians in times of crisis. They do not have to pay when using the portal as they are only allowed to use them for their work for free, with the authorization of the King and Queen from the realm they are currently at.


The unit is led by a Council of Archivists, venerable sages who oversee operations and strategic defenses of the archives. Each region or major archive have its own custodial leader, responsible for its protection. Within the unit, there are diverse roles such as translators, enchanters (for protective spells), historians, and combat specialists. Each member contributes unique skills to the collective mission.


Prospective guardians undergo rigorous training that blends physical endurance with mental discipline. They learn combat techniques, magical defenses, and study ancient texts to prepare for their role.



The recruitment pool for the Tasglanniens is carefully selected to ensure that members possess the necessary skills, aptitudes, and dedication to fulfill their roles as protectors and preservers of knowledge. Candidates are typically recruited based on their proficiency in languages, history, and arcane knowledge. They should demonstrate a passion for preserving and studying ancient texts and artifacts. Those with innate magical talent or potential are highly sought after, as they can contribute to maintaining magical wards, deciphering arcane texts, and defending against mystical threats. Gender is not a limiting factor, as both males and females can qualify based on merit. Mutations or unique magical abilities are seen as advantageous, provided they can be controlled and used responsibly. Previous training in combat, magic, scholarly pursuits, or specialized skills related to artifact preservation is advantageous but not mandatory if candidates demonstrate potential and willingness to learn. Candidates take solemn oaths to uphold the principles of the Archive Guardians, pledging their loyalty to the preservation of knowledge and the defense of the archives from across all of the kingdoms. They also pledge to not betray any of the kingdoms as they will have all of the knowledge to be able to destroy them. The oaths are oral, imbued with magic. If anyone breaks their oath, they will stop breathing immediately.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 19, 2024 21:09 by Marjorie Ariel

"The oaths are oral, imbued with magic." Well, that's one way to ensure loyalty.