Void Rot

In the Fanas kingdom, now known as the Academy, the dreaded Void Rot didn't just bring societal upheaval—it heralded the kingdom's catastrophic downfall. The Void Rot emerged quietly at first, its insidious grip spreading silently through the magical veins of the land. Wizards and mages, revered for their mastery over arcane arts, were among the first to succumb. Initially presenting as a gradual draining of magical energy, it soon escalated into a relentless plague that devoured life force and vitality with terrifying speed. As the Void Rot spread unchecked, panic gripped the kingdom. Communities once united by their reliance on magic fractured under the weight of despair and suspicion. Celestial Warding Domes  and protective spells, once believed impenetrable, crumbled in the face of this malevolent force as the danger was coming from within the kingdom itself. Attempts to contain it through quarantine or magical remedies proved futile, leaving healers and scholars helpless in the face of such devastation. The kingdom's leadership, initially paralyzed by disbelief and fear, struggled to mount a coordinated response. Desperate measures were taken to stem the tide of destruction, but each effort met with failure as the Void Rot continued its inexorable march. In the end, Fanas became a hollow shell of its former glory. Its cities lay in ruins (until the construction of the Academy), its once-thriving magical traditions reduced to dust. The very few survivors known to have lived scattered across the shattered landscape, seeking refuge in neighboring realms as tales of the kingdom's fall echoed through the ages.

Transmission & Vectors

Dark and forbidden rituals performed by desperate and malevolent individuals inadvertently unleashed the Void Rot into the world. Participants or witnesses to these rituals became carriers or direct victims of the disease, and that is why the use of dark magic is illegal in every kingdom and the land of the world. The primary mode of transmission is being in direct contact with individuals already afflicted by the Void Rot after the disease appeared. This includes physical contact, sharing of magical energies, or proximity during magical rituals or ceremonies.


Ambitious wizards or mages, driven by a thirst for power or knowledge, inadvertently unleashed the Void Rot through reckless experimentation with forbidden spells, rituals, and/or artifacts. Their actions disrupted magical balances and awakened dormant forces.


Affected individuals experience a gradual draining of vitality and life force. They may appear increasingly frail and weakened as the disease progresses. The skin of those afflicted by the Void Rot takes on a pallid, almost ethereal hue, contrasting sharply with their usual complexion. As the disease advances, physical decay becomes evident, with tissues and muscles wasting away.  A hallmark sign of the Void Rot is the transformation of the eyes, which lose their luster and depth, becoming dull and almost devoid of life. Some victims report seeing fleeting shadows or spectral figures within their gaze. And finally, for wizards and magical practitioners, the most distressing physical symptom is the loss of control over their magical abilities. Spells falter, enchantments weaken, and rituals become unpredictable or even dangerous, reflecting the disruption of their magical essence.


Healing or subduing the devastating Void Rot that befell the Fanas kingdom would have required a complex and multifaceted approach, but unfortunately, the dire outcome of the entire kingdom succumbing to the disease suggests that these efforts ultimately failed.


The primary mode of transmission was through direct contact with individuals already afflicted by the Void Rot. This includes physical proximity during social interactions, rituals, or close living quarters. But the disease also spread through environmental factors such as the disruptions in magical energies, ley line fluctuations, and natural phenomena influenced by the magical ecosystem.

Cultural Reception

Rituals to ward off malevolent spirits, purification ceremonies to cleanse oneself of dark energies, and prohibitions against certain magical practices believed to invite the Void Rot took place after the devastating events in the kingdom. There is a mixture of fear, superstition, and attempts to rationalize or cope with its devastating effects. It profoundly influenced societal attitudes towards magic, morality, and the fragile balance between wielding power and facing its consequences within the Comhlaidir world.
The ruins of the Fanas Kingdom

This article has no secrets.


Author's Notes

Hey there! I am still working on the image(s) for this article! It is taking me a little bit because I cannot seem to find the perfect image that represents what I see in my head, but as soon as I do, I will upload it!

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