Pinehall Settlement in Comria | World Anvil
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Pinehall (pine-hall)

Your friendly neighbourhood goblin town.

The small town of Pinehall is a goblin settlement out in the pine forests that reside at the base of the Mountains of Thel, and is the main import of wood for Thel Ghorum, and as of recent, Ichorrift. The town is small, but friendly. People in Pinehall treat one another like a large family. Children in Pinehall are raised by the entire community, and are raised with a sense of adventure. Many children from Pinehall choose to stay within Pinehall, and help with the town, but just as many leave the town in search of adventure.


The majority of the population of Pinehall is goblins, but many dwarves and even the occasional human live within the town.


Pinehall does not have large amounts of defence, but it is guarded. The town guard is well trained, and they do have a somewhat large wall around the edges of town.

Industry & Trade

Pinehall was created for the sustainable harvesting of lumber, and that is exactly what it does. For generations, Pinehall has been the main exporter of pine wood to Thel Gorum, and now to Ichorrift.


Pinehall has a few general stores for people passing through, and they mainly export lumber, keeping some to fashion weapons and defences.


Pinehall doesn't get many visitors. The occasional wandering adventurers, sure, but nothing big. As a lumber town, most people assume there's not much to be seen or done around town- and for the most part, that's correct. People in Pinehall are always looking for an extra helping hand, as most of their time is spent doing some form of hands on work, and they have little time to do other things. If anything, Pinehall is the home of the fetch quest.


Pinehall is all hand built out of the very wood they're harvesting. Stone is brought in from Thel Ghorum on occasion to help build sturdier housing and foundations, but most of the settlement is surprisingly nice log cabins.


Settled in the foothills of large mountains, the west side of Pinehall is pressed against a large mountain, and the rest of the town looks out at a pine forest for about a mile. There's a small lake that cuts through the middle of the town, and trails off through the forest to a small lake near the town of Slumore.

Natural Resources

Pinehall has unlimited access to the trees they grow around them, as well as some surface iron from the mountains, though this supply of iron is quickly being used.
A quiet place for quiet folk.
Founding Date
500 GE
Trade post
Location under
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