Binaria Settlement in Confederate States of Earth | World Anvil
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Binaria is an artificial habitat. It's built on the orbital asteroid at the system E-1080.   The design is interesting: A long, wide steel structure passing through its densy core like a skewer, with each end hold a massive circular crust where people are living. The design is symmetrical balanced on an axis, with some truss added for reinforcement, making them to look like an hourglass.


Regularly, The habitat always protect by the high-capacity shield. However, it still need additinal fleet in case .

Industry & Trade

Because of its defence system, Binaria has its own spaceport that be able to support small-to-medium size ships such as small convette or freighter. With the plenty resources, many decide to go there to let their ship being repaired or upgraded.


The people from one city can meet each other on the another city by travelling through the elevator, which move along the beam and the asteroid.   The station has to rotate at certain speed to remain internal ecosystem, daynight cycle, or everything will mess up.


Most of the building are made of metals from the nearby asteroid belt inside the system.
Alternative Name(s)
Terra Binaris

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