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Records from the Ancient Earth

It wouldn't be surprising that the Earth's civilizations had been gone for millenniums now. The Unitary Body Act and the Earth's great migration in the early days led to the disappearance of many historical records that won't last long unlike buildings and wonders. Thankfully they had been saved.

Literatures, paintings, reserach papers, video records, prehistoric artefacts, and even a plastic bag are being perserved at the musuem on the planet Conventum.


SInce the invention of fire, humanity loved to mark anything they saw from their eyes with any tools; Words, pictures, speeches, videos and etc. These reflect the creator's throught and life in which could be passed on to affect by thousands of generations. While the memory didn't last longer than life, their records would last forever.

Nevertheless, it depended on how they perserved it. The meaning and values of records would be altered after a certain time, a change in language and societies common. Something that's good in the past would've turned upside down in the future.

Like everything from the Ancient Earth Nations.

Historical Details


After the end of the Foundation War, the government of Confederate State of Earth declared the Earth migration to perserve the human's origin to be destroyed by their own species. Furthermore, to ensure that the mistake of the past, or the return of those nations never happen again, they also bring all related records and items out to a specific place.

Any that were not being taken were mostly an individual's personal objects that were brought while migrating. It'd have a chance to be altered and adopted into some kind of new cultures after centuries.

Public Reaction

Right now all remains are being archived inside the galactic museum at Conventum. A few examples are being show to the public, but most of them are irralevent to the current society. As thousand of years has passed and progressed to the point that finding these purpose are not so easy. They need to learn a different language and contexts to understand its value. Only a few historians interested in the humanity origin know and study for.


Although any of them are not easily accessible, the legacy carried by them is so precious that it's been used commonly. Many people still used the name from the Earth. Any mathematic equation still has its original authors. And the ancient mythology that left inspiring many literatures to entertain these people to think big and remind how far humanity has come.

Record, Historical


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