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Space Disasters

The eternal threat for space nation and its colony, and how to defend it

Natural 'Space' disasters have become common for galactic life. To protect the owner's valuable planets or keep the comfort ability upon their colonies and their habitants, proper plans to deal with these disasters are unavoidable.

Type of Space Disaster

Solar flares/Solar winds/Cosmic rays

The powerful electromagnetic plasma/energy field from the stars. If hit directly they would possibly cause a severse consequence upon impact.


The space objects sometimes being pull and impact the colonies. This can cuase more than electric device but also the environment. If it's large enough it can destroy the whole body.

Major Gravitational Pulls

If the asteroids are large enough or fly-by at the exact position, it can potentially alter the planet orbits. This could led them to become the rouge planet - the planets with no star. The ecosystem start to collapse and the surface will become inhabitable.


The rarest case ever. If there’s a sign discovered beforehand they can evacuated in time. If not, saying goodbye is probably the best thing to do.

Dealing the disasters

Many do not consider these as threaten. Depending on technologies and how much owners care on each planet, the interest to deal with these disaster are vary. However, there’s several way to deal with it for those who preferred.

Shield/Local Defense

The personal force might be good but costly overtime. So instead they use the defense like long-range turrets, orbital stations, or megaspheres. It need tons of resources yet yield longevity to the habitants.

Space Force

Not that effective as megasphere, but it’s more challenge and let local fighters to have exciting jobs during peacetime. Usually, the fleet consist of corvettes with missilable railguns. Space Force can be local force or military force send by the main government.


When all mentioned doesn't work, the escape plan probably the best way they have. The great exodus or migrant down to the underground cities, if they have already prepared it beforehand. Sometime they only move to their moons.


Ditecting Disasters

Local observatories can detect these to be fair, but not effective. The DSC Station can help identify the incoming threats thanks to endless observe and scientist operation over there, and even receive the formal announcement from the capital via powerful Infra Ultima. I can be available if such planet or system is in the range of the great DSC system, which also available if it is the member of the Confederation.

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Author's Notes

For Summer Camp 2024
3/8/2024 - 9th prompt submitted!

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