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Informational Pamphlet: House Baruch, Pressly Hold

Pressly Hold
[dated from Summer of this year]
  House Baruch is one of the oldest and most established noble families in Pressly Hold. “Baruch” is a word of Celestial origin meaning Blessed, and most family members name themselves and their children after Celestial words. Over the generations they have grown their monopoly on exports outside of the Hold into extraordinary wealth. Known for their exuberant and lavish parties, which they host both as networking opportunities and to flaunt their riches.   The Head of House is the figurehead that represents the family and manages the brunt of the family's trade partnerships. The Head of House is typically the firstborn child, though if the current Head of House is unable to have kids then the firstborn of the second child will become Heir, etc. The Baruch family has a tradition of a formal coming of age introduction ceremony when their children turn 13, after which they are allowed to represent their House and formally come to social events.   The physical Baruch house is located in tier 2, close to tier 1 and the Teyrn's castle. Typically, residence includes the Head, their spouse and children, and the Head’s parents. Other residents may include the Head’s siblings and their spouse and children, in addition to any esteemed guests and, of course, an appropriate amount of servants. The House also has a winter home near Lake Ruryf where they often wait out the worst of the Pressly winter.   The Baruch family is not small, with a large array of extended cousins. Below is a list of its most powerful family members, of whom you are most likely to run into at a social gathering and with whom are most beneficial to curry good favor:   LADY HADASSAH BARUCH, Head of House
  • She/her 48
  • Widely considered the sharpest and most socially adept of the three Baruch siblings, she runs a tight ship and personally oversees most of the business of her family. Fastidiously Dots her Is and crosses her Ts. Unforgiving of mistakes - so best not make any in her presence.
  • The most outwardly religious of the family. She is particularly fond of Buron, though she is not a strict Buronite. Her levels of observance fluctuate, but it is still best to avoid blasphemy at all times.
  • He/him 45
  • The middle Baruch sibling, friends call him Ram. Pretentious but dangerously charming; stay mindful of your convictions around him or he'll talk you in circles and into corners. Considers himself something of an art entrepreneur despite knowing nothing about art.
  • Wife: Camille Wordsmith Baruch, she/her
  • He/him 37
  • The youngest Baruch sibling. In short, a neurotic mess; entitled youngest child syndrome meets clingy codependent. It’s rumored that the reason he didn’t settle down until after his sister Hadassah had a child was because he insisted on inserting himself into her relationship issues.
  • Wife: Nailah Ishtar, she/her
  • Lord Immanuel has four children: Benjamin (he/him 10), twins Rivka and Tivka (she/her and she/her, 8), and Tov (he/him 4). Having not been formally introduced, none of them are yet relevant political figures.
  • Ze/hir they/them ?/? 17
  • Lady Hadassah's firstborn and only son, and the only nonhuman to be born into the family for several generations. Arrogant and socially awkward, they maintain their status as a party centerpiece as a visual oddity. Our official recommendation: it’s worth going to a House Baruch event just to see them.
  • UPDATE: Noble Malachai has not been spotted around House Baruch or at any social functions for several months. Officially, they are visiting distant cousins in Mentra Hold. Rumored missing; we presume they are either dead or excommunicated, for unknown reasons.
  • He/him 26
  • Lord Ram’s oldest. Taking after his father's charms, a disarming gentleman that will trade almost any intel for fresh gossip. A powerful ally and even more dangerous enemy - however much you have learned from him, he has almost undoubtedly learned more about you.
  • She/her 23
  • Lord Ram’s second and youngest. Always up for a good conversation - or argument. On the plus side, you never have to wonder where you stand with her, because she'll be sure to tell you.
URIEL, Angel of Buron
  • He/they ??
  • Less than a family member and more than a guest, we’d be remiss not to mention Uriel. Uriel came to the House when Lady Hadassah separated from Arlo Bundaberg, creating a consecrated bond with Hadassah and becoming Malachai's father.
  • He is never seen or heard, but supposedly watches over his son Malachai quite closely; it is said that if you insult Buron or any of their angels while the Noble is in the room, you will be plagued with terrible sleep for a week.
  • ?/? ??
  • Recently, Lady Hadassah has been seen spending time with a stranger of unknown identity and origin. Sources close to the Lady suggest that the stranger is currently a guest in the Baruch household.
  • He/they 253
  • By far the most prestigious and longest serving of the family’s tutors. Teacher Dahl has worked with the Baruch family for many decades, tutoring multiple generations of Baruch children about proper etiquette and the nobles of Pressly Hold.
FRANCINE BAKER, lady's maid
  • She/her 41
  • In many ways, she is Lady Hadassah's right hand man. Despite Francine's nervous exterior, the Lady seems quite fond of her and is rarely seen in public without her.
SINCERITY, house maid
  • She/her 17
  • Notable only in regards to Noble Malachai's unusual affection towards her. Potentially involved in the Noble's sudden departure to "visit family".
  • He/him 52
  • Hadassah's first husband. After a several-years-long but fruitless marriage, he initiated a separation when Hadassah was unable to conceive. He is on shaky but cordial footing with the family, and may be seen at Baruch events only rarely. If you see him at a Baruch social event, it is best to avoid him lest you fall into the Baruch family’s bad graces just as he did. He has since remarried to Emilia Kopczyk - see the House Kopczyk pamphlet.

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