The Free Land of Baatsai Ethnicity in Continent Of Hyorun | World Anvil
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The Free Land of Baatsai

The free land of Baatsai is an untamed wildland, a place that men and animals coexist and place that some bizzare lizard like creatures called dinosaurs call home. But Baatsai is also a place that spirits become a vital part of the many tribes and cultures that inhabit the land.   In Baatsai the people live in small and large tribes scattered around the land, living with the land and by the land most people are hunters and gatherers with the biggest struggle they face being healthcare and more specifically from a mysterious parasite called the Jine parasite. The Jine parasite is a major threat that started mysteriously spreading around Baatsai killing many people and the ones that survive come back even stronger and healthier than before.     Growing up in Baatsai have made you more tough and resilient than most - You gain a +1 in Constitution

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