Memory theft
The special ability that allows one to steal memories. Used to remove the knowledge of magic from the world and used in a greatly reduced fashion by the Winter Winds. The Winds are only capable of suppressing thought and stealing lesser memories. Memories with high emotions attatched are impossible to steal. The suppression can work on the whole memory, causing total amnesia, but suppression can be stopped easily and the memories instantly, but not painlessly recalled.
The suppression is stopped by the victim being reminded of who they are. Stolen memories have to be retrieved via deep slumber to the collective unconscious or by going to where the memory was taken to and grabbing it.
The next info is about how the Winds specifically perform the ability.
Memory go poof, victim forgets.
Side/Secondary Effects
Headaches, unconsciousness, loss of self, DID, pain in recall, confusion, when the winds do it mild hypothermia
swirling vortex of 'my brain hurts' that makes the victim instinctively stiffen and clutch at their surroundings.
The spell used to end the magic era war and the side effects kicked off the dark years.
Khione's memories are merely suppressed, while memories of magic were stolen. The Confederation is using deep slumber to tap into the collective unconscious so that they can retrieve knowledge that has been lost to time.
Gestures & Ritual
The Winds swoosh swoosh around the victims and the resultant sound and low visibility create the spell. Takes about 30 minutes to suppress the memories.
Related Element
Effect Duration
For suppresion a few weeks
Effect Casting Time
30 minutes no matter how much is suppressed
within the vortex
Applied Restriction
If the ability is stopped midway then it fails to suppress or steal the memory, can be reversed by making people remember,