
​The underdark of Eberron, Khyber stretches below the surface to depths that few can imagine. Known as the Dragon Below in some myths and revered by vile cultists across Khorvaire, Khyber remains a dangerous, foreboding underworld that only reluctantly gives up any of its dark secrets. While Khyber exists beneath every continent, few paths lead directly to its sinister depths. Across Khorvaire, the most well known passages can be found in the Demon Wastes, Droaam, and Q’barra, and rumors of other less frequented (and perhaps less guarded) portals are whispered of among the Cults of the Dragon Below. Khyber dragonshards, with their properties of binding, can only be harvested in the deep Underdark beneath Eberron’s surface. In addition to the various uses that Khyber dragonshards fulfill for the arcane technicians of the surface world, the great veins of living crystal bind the ancient demons that once ruled and ravaged the planet. Khyber dragonshards grow on cavern walls near layers of magma. The crystals are easily recognized by the midnight blue to oily black veins that writhe within them. Many surface dwellers take great interest in Khyber. The Lords of Dust, for example, seek to either free their ancient demonic masters or find a way to draw power from them. The various Cults of the Dragon Below, on the other hand, venerate the many vile entities living on or trapped beneath Eberron, and they often hatch plots to set them upon the surface world. Then there are the profi teers, those looking to exploit Khyber’s abundant resources despite the risks to life and limb. The remaining daelkyr and their aberration creations roam throughout Khyber. Occasionally, either by chance or with the help of outside agents, these creatures make their way to the surface world and wreak havoc until destroyed or driven back to Khyber’s inky depths. Within the caverns and tunnels of the Underdark, however, these abominations reign supreme. Other deep-dwelling creatures inhabit the cavernous pits of the Dragon Below, including goblinoids and magical beasts, monstrous humanoids and renegade dragons, corporeal undead, spirits, and more. The Underdark is an alien realm of darkness and crushing rock, full of treasures and secrets that some surface dwellers can’t resist—no matter how dangerous attaining such riches might be.​


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