
The Twilight Forest​
  ​Lamannia, the Twilight Forest, is a realm of raw and wild nature unbounded, untouched by civilization. Despite its name, the forests that stretch in all directions are not the only terrain feature of the plane; majestic mountains, wide grasslands, sultry swamps, rolling hills, and even deserts and tundras make up the vibrant life of Lamannia. All kinds of plants, animals, magical beasts, and bestial outsiders are found in the Twilight Forest, as well as air, earth, and water elementals. Lycanthropes, too -- rare on Eberron -- are common in Lamannia, since many fled to this plane during the crusade that nearly exterminated them from Khorvaire.​
  ​Enhanced magic: Druid spells are extended.​
  ​Lamannia Inhabitants: Achaierai, animals (all), arrowhawk (all), belker, celestial animals, bebilith (demon), hellcat (devil), air elemental (all), earth elemental (all), water elemental (all), fiendish animals, djinni (genie), avoral (guardinal), leonal (guardinal), hellwasp swarm, invisible stalker, lycanthropes (all), air mephit, dust mephit, earth mephit, ooze mephit, salt mephit, water mephit, nightmare, thoqqua, tojanida (all), vermin (all), xorn (all), yeth hound. Manual of the Planes: dao (genie), marid (genie), ooze paraelemental (all), smoke paraelemental (all).​
  ​Coterminous: When Lamannia is coterminous with the Material Plane, the power of nature grows. In regions of unspoiled nature (particularly Eldeen Reaches), plants grow more verdant and animals breed more prolifically. Summon nature's ally spells are extended throughout the Material Plane. Lamannia is coterminous for a period of one week every 13 months.​
  ​Remote: When Lamannia is remote from the Material Plane, nature's power diminishes. Animals have small litters and plants -- even cultivated crops -- grow poorly. Summon nature's ally spells are impeded during this time. Lamannia is remote for a period of one week every thirteen months, exactly 6-1/2 months after its coterminous period.​


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