
The Endless Night
  ​Utter blackness where no light shines fills the plane of Mabar, the Endless Night. The starless night lasts forever, its gloom never diminishing in the least. The darkness literally devours the life of visitors to this plane, extinguishing every spark of light that dares intrude upon the Endless Night.​
  ​Utter blackness where no light shines fills the plane of Mabar, the Endless Night. The starless night lasts forever; its gloom never diminishing in the least. The darkness literally devours the life of visitors to this plane, extinguishing every spark of light that dares intrude upon the Endless Night. Mabar has the following traits: • Minor negative-dominant. • Enhanced magic: Spells that use negative energy, including infl ict spells, are maximized. • Impeded magic: Spells that use positive energy are impeded. Coterminous: When Mabar is coterminous to the Material Plane, every shadow grows blacker and colder, and the nights become far deadlier. Spells that use negative energy are cast at +1 caster level if cast in darkness, and evil clerics rebuke or command undead as though they were one level higher as long as they are in darkness. During the night and while underground, travel between the planes is much easier—simply step- ping into an area where no light shines can transport a character from Eberron to Mabar, and barghests and shadows emerge from the Endless Night to hunt the nights of Eberron. Mabar enters a coterminous phase for three dark nights once every five years, on the nights of the new moon closest to the winter solstice. Remote: When Mabar is remote, shadows seem a little lighter and nights not so fearsome. Spells that use negative energy are cast at –1 caster level, day or night, and evil clerics rebuke or command undead as if they were one level lower. Mabar is remote for a period of five autumn days once every five years, around the full moon nearest the summer solstice, two and a half years after each coterminous phase. ​​Mabar Inhabitants: Barghest (all), bodak, succubus (demon), nightshade (all), shadow, shadow mastiff. Manual of the Planes: Xeg-yi, yugoloth (all). Monster Manual III: Gloom golem, necronaut, trilloch, vasuthant, yugoloth (all). All the creatures listed above are immune to damage from negative energy, including the ambient energy of the plane.​


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